Automate Updating Drive Files

Drive Connect Automation allows users to automatically update Drive Files names or locations in a Record-Triggered.

For more information on setting up a flow using the Automate Drive action, see the Using Drive Connect Automation with Salesforce flows article.

Update Drive File

In your flow, open a new action element node and follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Operation picklist and select Update Drive File
  2. Under File to Update, select an option
  3. For Linked File, the file name can be modified
    • You can utilize merge fields in the Linked File Name by selecting the brackets button within the field
  4. For Parent Record's Linked File, select a Lookup Field to Parent Record 
    • You can utilize merge fields in the Linked File Name by selecting the brackets button within the field
  5. Next Under Action, select to either Rename or Move
  6. For Rename, the selected file can be modified
    • You can utilize merge fields in the New Name by selecting the brackets button within the field
  7. For Move, select a Destination for the Drive File to be moved to. For more information on destination locations, see the Automate Drive Destination Locations article