Creating or designating an existing root templates folder

Drive Connect uses a root folder in Google Drive to store and organize any templates created from the Template Builder.

When visiting the Template Builder for the first time, you have the option to create this root templates folder or choose an existing folder if you have already created one using Drive Connect in a different Salesforce environment. You can also set a different root templates folder at any time by going to the Preferences section of Drive Connect setup. Once the root folder is set, you are ready to start creating and editing templates for document generation.

Create a root templates folder

  1. Go to the Template Builder tab in the Drive Connect app
  2. Enter a name for the templates folder in the input
    • By default, this folder will be created in your user’s My Drive but you may choose a different location by clicking the pencil icon next to My Drive
  3. Click Create Root Folder

Designating a different root templates folder

  • If you have not already created a root folder for this org, go to the Template Builder tab in the Drive Connect app
    1. Click Use an existing root folder
    2. Select an existing Drive Connect root folder created from a different Salesforce environment
  • If a root folder has already been created for this org, go to the Setup tab in the Drive Connect app
    1. Select the Preferences section
    2. Go to the Document Generation tab and click the pencil icon
    3. Select the folder you would like to designate as the new root folder from the picker.