Drive Links mobile support

The Drive Connect Drive Links component is available to be added to a Lightning Record Page Layout for mobile. Once activated, the component will show up on the Salesforce Mobile App.

Note: The Drive Links component is available as a read-only component on the Salesforce mobile app. It will only allow users to view and open links.

Make a Lightning Record Page available for mobile

  1. Login to your Salesforce org from your desktop
  2. Navigate to a Salesforce record page
  3. Click the Setup icon at the top right
  4. Select Edit Page to launch the Lightning App Builder for that record page
  5. Click Activation… at the top right of the builder
  6. Choose to assign this page as an Org Default, App Default, or assign to a combination of Apps, Record Types, and Profiles
  7. When assigning the page, select either the Desktop and Phone or Phone option as the Form Factor
  8. Click Save
