eSign Connect Overview

With eSign Connect, users can generate and send DocuSign envelopes through the DocuSign Envelopes component. Through this integration users will be able to combine Salesforce, Google Drive and DocuSign for more efficient document signing.

How it works

Create DocuSign Envelope

The DocuSign Envelopes component supports sending multiple files within a DocuSign envelope. Files can be accessed from various locations when adding a file through the send with DocuSign integration. These are the locations:

  • Linked Google files
  • Salesforce Files that are attached to the record but not the Drive Links component
  • Drive Links folders that are attached to the record
  • Content Folders which are setup by the administrator
  • Files from Google Drive
  • Files from Device
  • DocuSign templates

You can attach a maximum of 10 files per envelope.

Note: The file size limit for a single envelope is 25 MBs, regardless of the number of files. There is also a character limit of 100 for the Subject field and 1000 for the Message field.

Various recipients can be added to the envelope each of which can have either of the following two actions:

  • Needs to Sign
  • Receives a Copy

A signing order can be toggled on that allows the sender to determine an order of signing for the list of recipients which will require the first recipients to complete the action before the following recipients receive a notice to take action. Once the sender is ready, they can go on to the next process which will open an iframe with DocuSign and they can then add tags to the documents.

Downloading Docusign Files

The DocuSign Envelopes component supports the saving of files that were sent and completed in the envelope. File saves can be initiated from two locations:

  • New Docusign Envelope Modal
  • eSign Connect Setup -> Configuration -> File Destination Settings -> Add Preference

The following are locations that the files can be saved to:

  • Google Drive
    • Note: Must have the Drive Connect package installed and the component on saved to the page as well as the Automated Process User set under Google Drive's Setup.
  • Salesforce

How the files will be downloaded will also be given various options to select from:

  • Files as individual PDFs
  • All into one PDF

Note: The file size limit for downloading a file is 12 MB. If downloading a file that is greater than 12 MB a modal will appear to inform the user to download the file from Docusign directly.

Docusign Envelope Status

The Docusign Envelopes component provides users with status updates on the envelope signing process. Users will see this status on the record that is created on the component in a pill with the following statuses:

  • Completed
  • Correct
  • Created
  • Declined
  • Delivered
  • Sent
  • Voided

If the user drills into the record that is created on the component a modal will appear that will also provide the recipient statuses. The following are the statuses:

  • Completed
  • Created
  • Declined
  • Delivered
  • Sent


The (1) DocuSign Envelopes components allows users to select Drive files to include as DocuSign envelope attachments. Once the user initiates sending the envelope to DocuSign, the (2) Drive Connect Service exports and saves the (3) names and binary data to DocuSign. The Drive Links component then uses Apex to send the envelope information to DocuSign with the Salesforce files attached, then from DocuSign's end tags can be added to files and the envelope can send emails out to the recipients for signing..

Note: Once an envelope is sent to DocuSign a task record link will be created on the record the envelope was sent from. This will only occur for objects in Salesforce that allow for task creation.